Bethesda Beacon On Line

Father's Day 2008

Healthy Living
Pastor's Message
Black History 2008
Pastor's Anniversary
Happy Birthday and Anniversary to:
Our Sick and Bereaved Members
Sunday School Lessons
Our Sanctuary's History
Friends and Family Day 2008
Church Calendar
Boys to Men
Our New Shepherd
Father's Day 2008
Member Profiles
Sunday Breakfast
VBS 2008
Photo Album



Over 300 hundred people crowded into the Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church for the installation services for our pastor, Rev. DeRienzia Johnson on Sunday, June 24, 2007.  Rev. Teddy Parker of Macon, GA and his church, Bibb Mt. Zion Baptist Church conducted the 3:00 PM services.  It was a true celebration and family reunion of churches.  All of the family tree of Bethesda was represented, First Baptist, the mother church and our daughters, Friendship, Union Tabernacle, Mt. Olive, Big Bethel and Restoration were all in attendance.  The ceremonies was highlighted by praise, worship, the charge and the acceptance.  Bethesda chose, but God sent this man of God to lead us to greater heights in the Word of the Lord.



Over 300 people came to help us celebrate


Rev. Larry B. Sims, Pastor
Union Tabernacle Baptist Church


Our Deaconess and Pastor's Wives


Moderator G. W. Nealy


Sister Kourtney Latimore helps document the day


Pastor and Mrs. Johnson


Our visitors and friends


Some of our dedicated Culinary Ministry


Bethesda's Deacons Ministry
